Dialogue with Sheikh Mohammed Metwalli adult moderator in English ....
ú No doubt, all verses of the Holy Quran are definitely Allah’s Word. However, Allah made clear and definite all the things that He did not want people to differ about. Those words, phrases, or texts which have more than one meaning or interpretation are meant to provide all the possible shades of meanings so as to motivate people to consider and contemplate. Had Allah willed that we understood a certain text at only one level, He would have made its meaning definitive. Take, for instance, verses of ablution,
“O you who believe! When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows ….” [V ; 6]
He did not define what is meant by the face, because there is no difference about it; but when He mentioned the hands, He defined it saying “to the elbows”, because the word “hand” in Arabic has more than one meaning; it indicates the palm, the arm, and the elbow; and He wanted the last one , therefore He made that clear and definite, “up to the elbows”
And when He talked about the head, He said: “and rub your heads (with water)” [V ; 6]
This also can have several meanings all of which are acceptable. And if Allah had wanted a special meaning, He would have mentioned that. He could have said, “and rub a quarter, half, or all of your heads.”
· Does that mean that Allah accepts such a variety of interpretations?
ú Yes, but the actions and traditions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which explain the text had better be followed and copied.
Another example in this regard is the Prophet’s saying to His Companions: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment should not pray the afternoon prayer before he reaches Bani Qorayza”
The Companions of the Prophet reached Bani Qorayza when the Sun was about to set. The companions divided into, two parties. Some said, “We are going to miss the prayer, and we must pray.” Others said, “The Prophet ordered us to pray there.” Then they referred to the Prophet; and He approved both opinions.
Those who wanted to pray took the time of prayer into consideration; while others took the place into consideration. And because everything has two main pillars, namely time and place, the Prophet (PBUH) approved of both interpretations.
· Sir, which is more beneficial and effective for preachers to devote themselves for writing books or to guide people and instruct them?
ú It depends. For example, when I write a book, only the educated are likely to read it; but the uneducated or illiterate will find no access to my book unless it is communicated to them one way or another. Therefore I consider the first and best way to address people is the informal everyday language. But the problem with such a way is that when I wish to remember something of what has been said, I have to refer to a written book.
Another advantage of the written book is that I feel free to read it whenever I like; while I am obliged to listen to the speaker whenever he likes.
In fact we need both the book and direct speech; and both of them are important and necessary. There is a certain phase in man’s life when you can not use but the speech way, namely the childhood phase, which is the most dangerous phase in man’s life. This is because as soon as a child begins to perceive things around him, the learning phase begins; then the teacher can teach him step by step.
And it is unreasonable to wait until he acquires the ability to read, because by that time his personality will have already been formed and would be difficult to change.
So it is very important to use the speech way with young children and the uneducated or illiterate.
· Sir, is there any special advice you would like to give for preachers at this time of religious renaissance?
úA devoted preacher must beware of doing anything that contradicts what he is calling for, simply because all eyes are focusing on him and his actions. Similarly, he must beware of saying a word which contradicts his behavior specially before his disciples.
The mission of a preacher today is very difficult, because he is calling for Allah in a world full of different competitive cultures and ideologies. Therefore, he must be familiar with all kinds of science and knowledge and have the proper capabilities and qualifications to impress on the audience; otherwise his call will be underestimated and rejected.
He must also be in conscious of Allah by full adherence to His religion and the Sunna of His Prophet (PBUH), for if you want the battery to provide you with light you must keep it constantly charged.
(1) Abdul Ghani An-Nabulsi, the well versed Shaikh and scolar, “Preachers who call people to Allah are of three types. The first type of preachers are those versed in Sharia (Islamic Law), who invite people to learn religious obligations and duties that are enjoined on them by their Lord. The second type are those versed in Methodology – but must necessarily be well versed in Sharia – and teach people the rules of Sharia and how to work according to them properly. The third type of preachers are those versed in Reality – but must necessarily be well versed in both Sharia and Methodology – and teach people how to acquire knowledge and work according to it, show them the way to attain such knowledge and guide them on the way to spiritual enhancement and Divine Grace, all by word, deed and endeavor.
osama mansour